Looking For A Brain & Spinal Injury Lawyers In Chico?
Accidents resulting in slips, trips, and falls account for 600,000 brain injuries annually, while motor collisions account for another 300,000. Your thinking, emotions, communication, movements, and breathing are all controlled by your brain. Every aspect of your functionality and your life can be ruined if you suffer serious harm to that important organ. Even apparently insignificant brain damage might have long-term consequences.
When someone else’s carelessness or improper behavior leads to a brain injury, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost income, and support services to help you lead as normal a life as feasible under the law. Losses for pain and suffering and various non-economic damages can sometimes also be recovered, depending on the situation.
There are two basic forms of brain injuries: concussions and traumatic brain injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident and suffered a “traumatic brain injury,” aka TBI, you may be entitled to financial compensation. An accident, attack, or fall are all examples of traumatizing forces that lead to harm.
Our Traumatic Head Injury lawyers in Chicoat Ron Marquez Law Corp have decades of expertise defending persons who have suffered catastrophic head or brain injuries. We’ve gotten great results when it comes to cases involving brain injury. You can rely on our Traumatic Brain Injuries Attorney in Chico to help you get the medical and rehabilitative care you need and the vigorous legal counsel you deserve.