Factors That Determine Child Custody In California

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The Best Interest

The court will consider various factors to determine what arrangement would serve the best interests of the child.

It includes the child’s age, health, and educational needs, as well as the emotional bond between the child and each parent.

History Of Domestic Violence

If there is any history of domestic violence, the court will consider this when making custody determinations.

The court will not award custody to a parent who has a history of abusive behavior toward the child or the other parent.

Child custody refers to the legal arrangements made between parents or guardians regarding the care and control of a child.

This includes decisions about where the child will live, how they will be raised, and who will make important decisions about their welfare.

The Parents’ Ability

California courts prefer to award joint custody. whenever possible, as it is generally believed to be in the best interests of the child. The court will consider each parent’s ability to cooperate and communicate effectively in making decisions about the child’s welfare.



Looking for legal  assistance with child  custody in Chico, Ca?

Visit Us At: marquezlawoffices



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