Six Things That Can Significantly Impact Your Vehicle Accident Claim


Being in a car accident is surely not a pleasant situation. But not getting fairly compensated for the personal injury and damages you incur due to another motorist’s fault might make you lose hope in life.

Therefore, if you ever get involved in a car accident, you must know what you need to strengthen your vehicle accident claim. This includes knowing the local California laws, hiring a competent attorney, and immediately seeking medical treatment to document your injuries.

Read about the six things that significantly impact your vehicle accident claim in Chico, California.

Gather Evidence Right Away

We understand that for someone who has just been in an accident, collecting evidence can sometimes become impossible. If you have sustained major injuries and cannot gather evidence on your own, immediately call a reliable friend to come and help you. In any case, collecting evidence from the accident scene is essential for a successful car accident settlement.

Immediately Get a Medical Examination

You may feel that you have not sustained serious injuries that require seeing a doctor. But if you have been in an accident that mandates to be reported, then it’s also important that you see a doctor immediately to properly document your injuries even if they’re minor. Immediate medical checkups are vital supporting evidence when filing a vehicle accident claim.

Hire a Competent Attorney

In addition to collecting evidence and seeing a doctor, you must also call a car accident attorney to help you through the process. Your lawyer will help you gather the right evidence, deal with the opposing partner’s lawyers, negotiate with the insurance company, and help you with litigation and trial if needed.

A lawyer in their office

The Statute of Limitations

California has a Statute of Limitations for victims of car accidents and personal injuries. This means that the law defines a time period during which you can file a vehicle accident claim. So knowing the statute of limitation and obliging by it is extremely important in the success of a vehicle accident claim.

Negligence Laws and Liability

Contributory negligence laws determine the deduction in compensation for a victim. This means that if you have been in a car accident but if you’re partially responsible for the collision, your compensation amount may be reduced. Learning about contributory negligence can help you determine how much you will receive in an accident claim settlement.

Insurance Coverage and Type

Insured and uninsured motorists have different types of coverage and compensation. If you’re an uninsured driver, you may not be able to receive the compensation an insured motorist will receive for a car accident.

Talk to Us for Vehicle Accident Claims in Chico

If you’re looking for an experienced car accident attorney in Chico, then get in touch with us at Ron Marquez Law Corp. Our law firm also has experienced personal injury attorneys, family law attorneys, and will trusts and probate lawyers in Chico. Talk to us and discuss your case today.


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